

Mercantia in Certaldo The street artists festival Mercantia is: kisses and hugs, jokes and somersaults, art and crafts, old walls that smile, lightness of heart, a festival of spring and abundance, it is the sun that dances … Who hasn’t wished, at least once, to see a fairy, a magician, an acrobat on the wire… […]



Bolgheri The village of Bolgheri and its fine wines Enchanting landscape and fairytale wine: this is Bolgheri, a fraction of the municipality of Castagneto Carducci which rises in the center of the Maremma Livornese. The name of the town derives from a military settlement of Bulgarians, allies of the Lombards, who settled there in a […]

Chiusdino village


The village of Chiusdino the legend of the sword in the stone and more. Chiusdino, in the province of Siena, is one of the most fascinating medieval fortified villages in Tuscany. Perched on a knoll in the Metalliferous Hills, it has just under two thousand inhabitants. The town still maintains the medieval appearance of the […]

Villages and castles


Land of villages and castles “A land rich in history, natural and architectural treasures, with characteristic and unmistakable landscapes,the cradle of the Renaissance, full of cities of art and culture:” A land rich in history, natural and architectural treasures, with characteristic and unmistakable landscapes, the cradle of the Renaissance, full of cities of art and […]

San Galgano


A walk in time in Monteriggioni Medieval “This is the Medieval Festival which in the whole world has no equal ”. Tuscany is world famous for being the cradle of the Renaissance, but even the Middle Ages, more than in any other Italian region, left its traces here. The signs of the brave knights, the […]



San Galgano & the sword in the stone The Abbey of San Galgano, one of the most evocative places in the itineraries of Tuscan spirituality, We are in the municipality of Chiusdino (SI) along the SS 73, towards Massa Marittima. Here is the Rotonda di Montesiepi, as the complex of the Hermitage with the “sword […]